Synthehol Probably Possible

Synthehol, the synthetic alcohol from Star Trek, is now thought to be possible to produce. A psychopharmacologist from the UK, David Nutt, believes it should be possible to make a synthetic alcohol with none of the physical side-effects of traditional alcohol. Alcohol attaches to several different types of receptors in the brain. Some produce the positive effects of the buzz from the alcohol, other produce the negative side effects on the brain. Not to mention the effects of alcohol on the digestive tract and liver.

I can't wait, I'll be ready for the first batch. I'll be the world's first syntheholic.

- Read the article @
- Synthehol @ Wikipedia
- Synthehol @ Memory Alpha

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous21.8.06

    Dr. Nutt is developing synthetic alcohol based on an idea from Star Trek. Hooray for science, whooo!
